Web Services And Mobile Technologies : class 10th notes -n

Web Services And Mobile Technologies

    Web Services And Mobile Technologies

    As you know that, Internet has been popular these days due to its use in our day to day life. Now it is integral part of our life that helps us do multiple things like shopping, learning, socialising etc. these services which provides by internet are known as Internet service and it also know as Web services.

    The transfer of data and information such as text, graphics, sound and other multimedia elements from internet server to your computer through internet is known as internet services.

    Information Retrieval

    Information retrieval is the process of collecting relevant information and data from a remote database. This process involves following stages :
    • Representing Collections of Documents
    • Uses-imitated querying
    • Retrieval of the appropriate documents 


    Electronic mail is a popular means of exchanging massage between people using electronic devices. Its sends and receive via computer network e.g.- Internet

    Email was invented by Ray Tomlinson (American computer programmer, who invented the first email system.)

    In past email systems required the sender and receiver to both need to be online at the same time. But today this systems are advanced and based on store-and-forward model.

    There are various free Email services :
    • G-mail by Google
    • Yahoo Mail by Yahoo
    • Outlook by Microsoft etc.

    Email Address

    Email is of following types:

    Username: This important part of mail id is chosen by user at the time of creating email.

    Host server or Domain name: It is the name of server or the host name that provide service for your email.

    G-mail is the most popular email service provider in the world. It give many additional features like:
    • 15 GB free cloud space
    • Automatic categorisation  of incoming massages
    • Strong spam filtering
    • Malware and virus detection
    • Search for massages easily

    Email components

    FROM: It contains the email address of sender.

    TO: It contains the email id of recipient which may even be multiple.

    CC: CC means carbon copy, it contains the email address of recipients whom you want to send a copy of email , but they are not address of the email.

    BCC: BCC means Blind Carbon Copy. it contains the also an  another email address of recipients whom you want to send a copy of email. The email address of this section is not visible to all.

    SUBJECT: It contains the short title or subject of the email this text is used to specify about the mail.

    BODY: It contains the real email massage.

    ATTACHMENT: it is used to attach one or more than one document or any pictures, audio video with email message.

    DATE: It is the date and time on which email massage was send to recipient by sender.

    MESSAGE ID: Every massage is sent with the unique ID, Which is use to track the message over the network.

    Search Engines

    The search engines is software system that use to search for information on web by using specifying the keyword or phrase  and return back to user.

    Components of search engines 

    Bots or Agents :- It is a software that traverses the web to gather information.

    Database :- All information on the web is stored in the database.

    Search interface :- It is a interface between computers and users.

    Some most famous search engines are:
    • Google
    • Yahoo
    • Bing 

    Finding People on internet 

    Now you can find your friend and relatives address contact no. email id etc. with the help of internet. Some website which offer this facility:



    Chat or instant massage refer to a two way communication on the internet where text message can be sent and received in real time. This massage are generally short and written in the form of conversation.

    Some examples of chatting services are :
    Google hangout, Yahoo messenger, Line, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, eChat.

    Video conference 

    Video conference refers to visual connection between two or more peoples living separate, both audio and video data can be transmitted through the internet.

    Some popular video conferencing application are :
    • Skype
    • IMO
    • Google Meet
    • Zoom

    Advantages of Video conferencing
    • Free of cost
    • Time saving
    • Increased Productivity
    • Real time communication


    E-learning stands for Electronic Learning. E-Learning means learning through computer and with digital content,, though book, virtual classes etc.

    There are several benefit of E-Learning :-

    • Anytime Anywhere Learning.
    • Education syllabus is available 24×7.
    • Self-Paced Learning.
    • Learning is possible where there are no schools/colleges.
    • Very Rich Content is available for students to learn.

    Disadvantages of E-Learning :-

    • Most of the online assessment are limited and objective based questions.
    • As online just about anyone can do a project rather than the actual student itself.
    • Computer marked generally have a  tendency of being only knowledge-based and not necessarily practicality-based.


    In E-Banking, people can avail many banking services like deposit money, withdraw money, transfer money, update contact details, open FD accounts etc. are available in the bank’s website can be accessed anywhere anytime without going to bank.
    Now-a-days people use E-banking apps like Paytm, Phone pay etc. in their mobile.

    Popular services covered e-banking are :-

    • ATMs
    • Credit cards
    • Debit cards
    • Mobile Banking

    Advantages of E-Banking

    • Available 24/7
    • Saves a lot of times as you don’t have to go any bank or ATM
    • The cost of operation per unit of services is lower for banks.
    • Incident of errors is very low.
    • The customer can easily transfer the funds from one place to another place electronically.


    • Potential to overspend
    • Technology and services interruption
    • Convent but not always faster.


    E-shopping is  a form of e-commerce which allows consumers to directly buy the goods or services from a seller over internet, In shopping consumer find many product’s availability of their interest on websites.
    E-commerce website are Flipkart.com, Amazon.com, Snapdeal.com
    These websites offers various kind of discounts on the product and take payment through Credit card/Debit card, Net banking or Cash on delivery.
    Web Services And Mobile Technologies


    E-group is a feature in  many social network services which allows users to create post, comment to and read from their own interest.

    Advantage of e-groups

    • Flexible :- E-group are assessable 24/7
    • Documented :- Unlike verbal communication, online discussions can be revisited and stored for long time.
    • Relevance :- E-group provide members a chance to share real life experience  which can be useful to the members of the group.
    • Community :- E-groups that bond over similar interests.
    • Limitless :- There are no boundaries as to where the discussion can go.

    Disadvantage of e-groups

    • Information overload :- E-group send to members a large volume of messages. This can be hard to follow.
    • Time lag :- Discussion gets often delayed since not all members  log on 24/7.
    • Isolation :- Some members of e-group prefer to learn on their own not participate in discussion.


    Use of information and communication technology (ICT) for delivering government services, exchange of information, communication transaction, integration of various stand-alone system and services between government-to-citizens, government-to-business, government-to-government, government-to-employees is known as Electronic governance or e-governance. 


    • Speed :- Technology makes communications swifter.
    • Saving Costs :- Internet saves crores of money to fraud.
    • Transparency :- All governmental information can be uploaded onto the internet for public.


    • High Setup Cost and technical difficulties :- The setup cost is very high and machines have  to regular maintained.
    • Illiteracy :- it is difficult for them who do not know how to operate computer and smartphones.
    • Cyber crime/Leakage of personal information :- There is always the risk of private data of citizens stored in the government server being stolen.


    Social networking refers to the use  of internet based programs to connect with friends, classmates, family and professionals. It consists of many users and their information and allow these users to communicate and interact with various people and community.

    Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site that many of us already familiar with. This allows you to visit various people's profiles, chat, join discussions, play game and much more.

    Some other popular social  networks are :-
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Pinterest 

    Mobile Technologies 

    When mobile was first introduced to the world, it used to be basically for SMS, calls and some games. But now it has presently transformed into a digital world. Its uses becoming diverse and replacing some similar sources in the market that are also used for communication e.g. post office and land lines. Because mobile technology is rapidly evolving and updating. 

    There is diversity between mobile technologies, because of their Operation system.

    Some popular Operating systems are :- Android, Blackberry, IOS, Symbian windows.
    • The Android is developed by google, basically for touch screen mobile device and this only open source operating system; that means it has ability to be run on any cell phone.
    • The Blackberry is developed by Blackberry limited for blackberry smartphones. This is most specialized for multitasking and support of some of its smartphones such as track wheel, trackpad and touchscreen 
    • The ISO is developed by Apple. The system was developed for the use of the Apple hardware only such as Iphone, Ipad etc.


    SMS (Short Message Service) uses standardized communication protocol to enable mobile devices to exchange short  text messages to other.

    SMS, as used on modern devices, originated from radio telegraphy in radio memo pagers that used standardized phone protocols. These were define in 1985 as part of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) series of standards. It allowed user to send and receive messages of up to 160 alpha-numeric character to and from GSM mobiles.


    MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is popularly used for sending text massage along with multimedia content to and from a cell phone over a cellular network. It is extend version of SMS and allow the exchange of text massage greater than 160 characters in length.

    Media companies have utilized  MMS on a commercial basis as a method of delivering breaking news.

    Web Services And Mobile Technologies

    3G is the third generation wireless mobile telecommunications technology. This generation is upgrade from 2G and 2.5G GPRS networks. It provides fastest internet speed than pervious one. 3G telecommunication network support services that provide information transfer rate of at least 0.2 Mbit/s.


    4g is the fourth generation of broadband cellular network technology, in addition to the usual voice and other services of 3G, 4G provides mobile high-speed broadband internet access.
    LTE (Long Term Evolution) is commonly marketed as 4G LTE & Advance 4G, but not initially meet the technical criteria of a 4G wireless service.
    A new generation of cellular standard has appeared approximately every 10 year since 1G systems were introduced in 1979. Each generation is characterized by new frequency bands, The first 3G network were introduced in 1998 and 4G network in 2008.

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