Cyber Ethics : class 10th notes


    We use the internet as a powerful and useful tool for communication as well as for education. On other hand some individuals use the power of the internet for criminal or undeniable purposes. It is important to knee down the harm by preventive measure along with learning ourselves to use the internet safely and securely.

    Cyber crime

    What is Cyber Crime?
    Cyber crime is defined as a crime where criminal use computer to access a user’s personal information, business information, government information, or disable a device. It is also a cyber crime to sell or elicit the above information online.

    Categories of Cyber Crime?

    There are mainly three categories of cyber crime: Individual, property and government.
    • Property :- Hacker illegally processed other person’s bank or credit card details. He steals a person’s bank details to gain access to funds, make purchases online or run phishing scams to get people to give away their information.
    • Individual :- It involves one individual distribution malicious or illegal information online. This can include cyberstalking, distributing pornography and trafficking.
    • Government :- A crime against the government is also known as a cyber terrorism. Government cyber crime includes hacking government websites, military website or distributing propaganda. These criminals are usually terrorist or enemy government of other nations.

    Cyber Ethics

    All the prevalent practices and procedures that must be followed while using computer and internet, so that the belief and values of a person or group is not violated, is called computer ethics.
    • Cyberstalking 
    • Plagiarism 
    • Cyberbullying 
    • Hacking 
    • Phishing 
    • Spamming 
    • Individual right to privacy
    • Software privacy
    • Intellectual property right
    • Online Scams
    • Prohibited/ illegal content 
    • DDos attacks 
    • Identity Theft 


    The Cyberstalking knows their victim and makes the person feel afraid or concerned for their safety.


    Plagiarism is an activity of stealing someone’s original work such as his idea, story, song etc. and showing that it is your original work without acknowledging the author or creator.
    Acts would be considered as plagiarism If:
    • Use of someone’s original work without acknowledging author
    • Use of someone’s work in incorrect form than intended originally by the author/creator
    • Use of music, audio clips of someone without crediting to the author
    How to avoid plagiarism 
    • Must include a credit note about the original creator.
    • Must give thanks if any idea or creation included by you is created by anyone else.


    The Cyberbullying knows as to sending threatening and intimidating message to a person online. If you are victim of online bullying, you should immediately report the issue to your parents and also block that person. You can also report the matter to police with the help of your parents.


    Hacking is of two type :-
    • White hat hacking
    • Black hat hacking
    Hacking with the permission of the owner of system is called White hat hacking and these hacker are called white hat hacker. Sometimes some company employ hacker to hack their database so that the loopholes and drawback in their security may be detected and resolve it.

    On other hand, Black hat hackers hack the system for personal gain and they try to steal sensitive personal information like credit card data, online password etc. These hackers are also known as Cracker and their hacking is know as black hat hacking.

    Hacker may hack you system if you not following security measure for you system. It is good to install anti-virus or high security firewalls.


    Phishing means extracting personal information from people by disguising as credible companies and sending email on their behalf.
    e.g. You may receive a mail form an I which look like your bank asking for personal information. You should always think twice before sharing it through mail. It could be a phishing attack.


    The act of sending huge number of unwanted email to multiple recipients at the same time is know spamming. These email may contain some offers, winning lottery etc. Spamming is most common way of spreading virus via internet.

    Prohibited / illegal content

    Offensive content like sexual activity between adult, videos with intense violent and video of criminal activity are illegal content, these material advocating terrorism-related acts and child exploitation.

    DDoS attacks

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack will send multiple requests to the attacked web resource – with the aim of exceeding the website’s capacity to handle multiple requests and prevent the website from functioning correctly.

    Identity theft

    The act of identity theft is to open a phone or internet account by using you name or plan a criminal activity by using your name or clam government benefit in you name. They may do this by finding out user password through hacking and personal information from social media or phishing emails.

    Online scams

    When you click on in the ads or spam email that include promises of rewards or offers or unrealistic amount of money can cause malware to interfere and compromise information.

    Individual right to privacy

    Each and every person has the right to reveal as much information about himself as per his consent. It is advice that never extract personal information with other if you don’t know them offline or are comfortable with them.

    Software piracy

    Using any software illegally means without  paying for it to the creator is called software piracy. The industry they cannot get their money for their product, this type of software is known as pirated software.

    Any software that is available on the Internet for free is called freeware.

    According to the Business Software Alliance (BSA) about 35% of all software in current use is stolen or pirated, Which is cause of lost revenue for publisher and results in higher prices for the consumer.

    Intellectual property right

    If any person crate ideas, artwork, contents, music and other creations of the mind is called intellectual property rights. These right are held by the person who create that intellectual property. If you want to use other intellectual property, it is important to take permission from the author.

    Digital property right

    It is similar to intellectual property include with data, information, internet account in the digital world.

    Social engineering

    Social engineering involves criminal making direct contact with you usually by phone or email by getting your information from internet or add you as friend on social media and pose as a customer service agent and they want to gain your confidence like password or bank information. Once they gain access to account, they can sell your information.


    Netiquette also know as internet etiquette. It is very important to use netiquette because we do communication online in non-verbal mode. You must know that online communication we read something which typed by  someone else and online communication does not allow each person to see facial expressions or body language. Because of this, sometimes massages can be misinterpreted.

    Let discuss some point we should keep in mind while online.
    • We should not post any offensive comment online.
    • We should respect the other person’s privacy.
    • Do not click on an online ads it may contain virus.
    • Do not disclose your sensitive information online.
    • Don’t violate the copyright laws.
    • Report about the illegal activities happening online.

    Software license

    There are mainly two types of software :-
    • Free software
    • Paid software
    For using paid software we need software license.

    A software license is legal document that provides legally binding guidelines for the use and distribution of software. Basically it provide end users with the right to one or more copies of the software without violating copyright law.

    Freedom of expression

    Freedom of expression is the right of citizens and organizations to exchange information without any fear. It only refer legal right to speak out publicly. This right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kind, either orally, in writing, or in print, in the form of art, or though other media of his choice.
    Freedom of expression may exclude :
    • Slander
    • Copyright violation
    • Disclosure of trade secrets
    • Fighting words, which includes hate speech

    Digital divide

    Digital divide refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern information and communications technology. This technology can include the telephone, television, PC and the internet. This gap typically exists between the person living in the cities and rural areas or between the educated and uneducated people or between the more and less industrially developed nations. Even the digital divide can be evident in the form of lower-performance computer, lower speed wireless connections, lower priced connections.


    Commerce means business, Exchange of goods and services. When we do this business online include with online shopping, online banking, online learning, ticket booking and online buying and selling of goods, it  is called as E-commerce. 

    There are four kind of E-commerce module.
    • Business to Business (B2B) :- A company buys or sells the good to company through internet.
    • Business to Consumer (B2C) :- A company provides information of the product online and consumer buys the product from the site of the company.
    • Consumer to Consumer (C2C) :- One person want to sell his used things online and other person buys it online from him.
    • Consumer to Business (C2B) :- The customer are ready to sell the goods and services produce by them to the business.

    Advantages of E-Commerce

    • It can be done anytime.
    • It is more comfortable for the  user do not have to go anywhere.
    • The process of buying and selling is fast.
    • Customer get many variety of product and many choices of making payment.

    Disadvantages of E-Commerce

    • There are chances of fraud.
    • The product can’t be examined physically.
    • At time the sensitive information like card details can be stolen by hackers.

    Online Privacy

    Privacy means the security of personal information. It is important to each buyer or seller must give correct information to each other. Also each e-commerce website must take consumer consent from their consumer. In which consumers has choose whether the information can or cannot be shared.

    Some major point can be used to secure user privacy :
    • Company must ensure to protect user’s confidential data  such as card number, CVV etc. so proper protocol must be used.
    • Seller must check whether the consumer has read all the conditions before doing any transactions on the website.


    Any fraud happens with the help of internet is known as online fraud. The purpose of fraud to get moneys, goods or sensitive information.
    Fraud in commerce is called payment fraud and is basically any type of illegal or false transaction.

    Secure data transmission

    Secure data transmission is to send data to the target securely with being compromised.

    Technique to ensure secure data transmission :
    • Every computer must be authenticate before login to the network or sending or receive data.
    • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an important security protocol which make an encrypted links between a web server and a web browser during online transaction.
    • Encrypted data is safe for transferring from one place to other in a network. It is hard to steal.

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