Fundamental of computer


Fundamental of computer

Introduction to Computer

Computer is an electronic machine. It perform Arithmetical, Mathematical and logical calculations. It takes data as an input and after process it then give desire output.
C = Commonly
O = Operated 
M = Machine 
P = Particularly 
U = Used for
T = Training / Trade
E = Education & 
R = Research.
This COMPUTER word comes from Greak word “COMPUT” which means calculate.

Label Diagram of Computer.

Label Diagram of Computer.
Label Diagram of Computer.

CPU :- Central Processing Unit.
    UPS :- Uninterruptible Power Supply.

Types of Keys.

  • Alphabetical key (A to Z)
  • Function key (F1 to F12)
  • Numerical key (0 to 9)
  • Symbol keys (@, ?, <, >, /, %, $ etc)
  • Arrow keys
Types of Keys

Types of Keys

Total no of keys are 84 or 104 or 108 or 116.

Block diagram of computer

Block diagram of computer
Block diagram of computer

Generation of Computer

Generation     Year                     Speed
1st                 1946-1955            30 IPS (Instruction per Second)
2nd                1956-1965           300 IPS (Instruction per Second)
3rd                1966-1975            >1 KIPS (Kilo Instruction per Second)
4th                1976-1985            >8 MIPS (Mega Instruction per Second)
5th                1986 to Present    >20 LIPS (Logical Instruction per Second)

Composition of Computer system.

Mainly two different materials complete the computer system are Hardware & software.
  • Hardware :- All the physical component of computer system which can be see and touched, those components are  hardware.
        E.g. Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Monitor etc.
  • Software :- All the parts of computer system which can be see but can’t be touched, those components are called software.
        E.g. Operating system, MS Office package, Antivirus etc.


  1. Write a short notes on daily uses of Computer in 150 word.
  2. Draw Block diagram of Computer.
  3. Make a list of computer based on the generation (1st to 5th)

Types of Hardware

1. Input devices :- That types of devices which is used in give the instructions to the system is called input device. E.g. Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Barcode Reader etc.

2. Output devices :- The device which show the results of our given instruction over the system is called as output device. E.g. Monitor, printer, plotter, speaker, headphone etc.

3. Storage devices :- Computer system require memory to store or retrieve data by a process is known as read, there are two types of storage

  • Primary Storage :-  RAM (Random access memory), ROM (Read only memory)
  • Secondary storage :- HDD (Hard disk drive), SSD (Solid state drive), CD (Compact disk), DVD (Digital versatile disk)

Types of Software

1. System Software :- System Software is a software to manage computer hardware behavior so as to provide basic functionalities that are required by the user. In simple words, we can say that system software is an intermediator or a middle layer between the user and the hardware. 

  • Operating System :- Operating System is a collection of software that handles the resources and provide general services for other applications that run over them, it provides the graphical user interface (GUI) through which a user can manage the files and folder and perform their tasks.  E.g. Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, ISO, Android, etc.
  • Device Drivers :- Device Drivers is type of software that control particular hardware which is attached to the system. E.g. BIOS driver, Display driver, USB driver, VGA driver etc.
  • Programming Language Translators :- Programming Language Translators are mediator programs on which software programs rely to translate high-level language code to simpler machine-level code. E.g. Interpreter, Compiler & Assemblers.
  • Utility :- Utility software is designed to aid in analyzing, optimizing, configuring and maintaining a computer system. Software like anti-virus, disk clean-up, management tools, compression tools etc.
2. Application Software :- The software which is installed by user by their use. E.g. VLC media player, Photoshop, Android studio, Chrome browse etc.

Types of Computer.

  • Mainframe Computer
  • Super Computer
  • Workstation Computer
  • Personal Computer (PC)
  • Laptop computer


  1. Make a list of Computer hardware & software.
  2. Make list of 10 place where computer is used and also write their use on that place.
  3. Make a list of Input and Output device.

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