Is Matter Around Us Pure : Class 9th notes

Is Matter Around Us Pure

Matter around us is of two types

1. Pure substances
2. Impure substances (mixture)

Pure substance 

A material which contains only one kind of atoms or molecules is called pure substance.
A pure substance is of two types  :- 
1. Elements
2. Compounds

Elements :- Secure systems which is made up of only one kind of atoms is called and elements.

Compounds :- A pure substance which is made up of only one kind of molecules is called compound.

• All elements and compounds are pure substances.

Note :- A pure substance is uniform or homogeneous throughout because it consists of only one kind of particles this particles are similar to one another and cannot be separated into simpler particle by any physical process.

Impure substance (mixture) 

A mixture is a material which consist two or more different kinds of particles which do not react chemically but are physically mixed together in any proportion.
• Mixture are impure substances.
• The pure substance present in the mixture is called components or constituents.
• Amisha have variable composition therefore no definite formula can be given to a mixture.
• A mixture does not have a fixed melting point or fixed boiling point.
Is Matter Around Us Pure
Elements :- The simplest form or the basic form of a pure substance which can neither be broken into nor built up from simpler substances by any physical or chemical method.

Modern definition :- A pure substance that contains only one kind of atoms.
An element is made up of only one kind of atom which are identical in all respects size, mass, composition etc.

• Robert Boyle was the first scientist who used the term element in 1661.
• Lavoisier was a French chemist who first gave the useful definition of element.

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Elements are found to exist in all the three state of matter.
1. Solid elements :- sodium, iron, silver, zinc, gold, etc.
2. Liquid state :- Mercury, gallium, caesium
3. Gaseous state :- oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium etc

Classification of element based on physical and chemical properties.
On the basis of physical properties elements have been divided into following three types :- 
1. Metal
2. Non metal
3. Metalloids

Physical properties of metal 

1. Metals are malleable :- This means that metals can be hammered or bitten to form thin sheets without breaking.

2. Metals are ductile :- This means that metals can be drawn or stretched into thin wire.
Example :- Gold is so ductile that one gram of it can be drawn to form a wire of about 2 kilometre of length.

3. Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity.
4. Metals are lustrous.
5. Metals are sonorous
6. Metals are generally hard
7. Metals have high tensile strength :- Metals have a high tensile strength this means that metals can hold large weights without breaking.
8. Metals are solid at room temperature except Mercury.
9. Metals generally have high melting point and boiling point.
10. Metals generally have high density.

Physical properties of nonmetal 

1. Non metals are not malleable.
3. Non metals are not ductile.
4. Non metals are bad conductor of electricity and heat except graphite which is the conductor of electricity and diamond which allow heat to flow from it.
5. Non metals are dull
6. Non metals do not produce sonorous sound.
7. Non metals are generally soft.
8. Non metals have low tensile strength
9. Non metals are generally liquid or in gaseous state at room temperature. 
10. Non metals generally have low density.

Metalloids :- Metals which have properties in between those of metals and nonmetals are called metalloids or semi-metals.
Example :- silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, calurium 

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A mixture is a material which consists of two or more pure substances  (element or compounds) which are not chemically combined but are physically mixed in any proportion.

Types of mixture 

Depending upon the nature of components that are mixed to form mixture, mixtures have been classified into two categories :- 
1. Homogeneous mixture
2. Heterogeneous mixture

Homogeneous mixture :- It is the mixture that has the uniform distribution of constituent parts is known as homogeneous mixture.
• All homogeneous mixture are solution.

Heterogeneous mixture :- A mixture is said to be heterogeneous if all the component of the mixture are not truly mixed and there are visible boundaries of separation between them.
Example :- A mixture of sugar and sand 
                    Iodine salt (NaCl + KI)

Properties of mixture

• A mixture may be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
• The composition of mixture is variable.
• A mixture does not have a definite melting and boiling point
• Energy is neither absorbed not evolved during the formation of a mixture.
• The properties of a mixture are the properties of its component
• The constituents of a mixture can be separated by simple physical method such as filteration, evaporation, sublimation, distillation etc.


A pure substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined together in a fixed proportion by mass.
E.g. Water (H2O), Common salt (NaCl)

Properties of compound 

• A compound is always made up of the same element combined together in fixed proportion by mass.
E.g. H2O By mass H:O = 1 : 8
• A chemical compound is formed as a result of chemical change and its properties is different from its constituents.
Fe + S → FeS
• A compound cannot be separated into its constituents by simple physical method.
• A compound has a definite molecular formula and fixed melting point and boiling point.
• energy in form of heat and light is usually evolved or observed when a compound is formed.
• A compound is a homogeneous substance.

Physical and chemical change 

The changes taking place around up into  following two types :- 
1. Physical changes
2. Chemical changes

Physical changes
Those change in which only the physical properties of the substance change but no new superstars are formed are called physical change.
Example :- melting of ice to form water and freezing of water to form ice.

2. Chemical change 
Those change in which news  substances are formed are called chemical change.
Example :- Burning of magnesium ribbon
                   Burning of piece of paper
                   Rusting of iron
Note :- 
• Physical change are temporary and hence can be easily reversed.
• Chemical change are permanent and hence are irreversible.


Homogeneous mixture of two or more chemically non reacting substances whose composition can be varied with in limits.

For binary solution there are two constituents.

1. Salute :- the component of the solution which is present in relatively small proportions.
2. Solvent :- the component of the solution
(a) which is present in relatively large proportion in the solution
(b) whose physical state is the same as that of the resulting solution.

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Types of solution 

1. Dilute solution :- The solution in which quantity of solute in a given mass of solvent is very small is called dilute solution.

2. Concentrated solution :- The solution in which quantity of solute in a given mass of solvent is very large is called concentrated solution.

3. Saturated solution :- If a solution contains dissolved salute equal to its solubility then it is called saturated solution.

4. Unsaturated solution :- A solution in which amount of solute dissolved is less than its solubility at the temperature and more solute can be dissolved in it is called unsaturated solution.

5. Supersaturated solution :- Sometimes it is also possible to dissolve more solute than its solubility such solution are known as supersaturated solution.

Depending upon the size of the solute particles in solution 

1 . True solution :- A solution in which the particles of the solute are broken down to such a fine state that they cannot be seen under powerful microscope is called a true solution.

Properties of true solution 

• A true solution is always clear and transparent or light can easily pass through it without scattering
• The particles of solute breakdown to almost molecular size and their diameter is of the order of 1 nm or less.
1nm = 10⁹m
• A true solution can completely passed through filter paper as particle size of solute is far smaller than the size of pores of filter paper.
• A true solution is homogeneous in nature.
• In a true solution the particles of solute do not settle down, provided temperature is constant.
• From a true solution the solute can easily be recovered by evaporation and crystallization.

Types of true solution

Depending upon the physical state of the solute and solvent following combinations are possible for true solution.
Solute  Solvent  Solution  Example 
 Solid  Solid  Solid  Alloys
 Liquid   Solid  Solid  Hg in Ag
 Gas  Solid  Solid  H gas in palladium 

 Solute  Solvent  Solution  Example 
 Solid Liquid  Liquid   Sugar in water 
 Liquid  Liquid  Liquid   Petrol in kerosene 
 Gas Liquid  Liquid   Soft drink

 Solute  Solvent  Solution  Example 
 Solid Gas  Gas  Smoke 
 Liquid  Gas  Gas  Fog 
 Gas Gas  Gas  Air 

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Solubility :- The maximum amount of solute that dissolves in a given amount of solvent at a specific temperature.
Factors that affecting solubility 
1. Effect of temperature :- 
• Most solids and liquids are more soluble in water at high temperature.
• Gases become less soluble as the temperature increases because the temperature increases the water tends to fizz somewhat or the dissolved gas are expelled.

2. Effect of pressure :-
• The solubility of gas increases as the pressure increases.

3. Nature of solvent :- 
• solvent with high value of dielectric constant can dissolved polar and ionic compounds to a large extent than the solvent with low value of dielectric constant.

4. Nature of solute :- 
• Ionic compounds are more soluble in water.
• non-polar compounds are more soluble in non-polar solvent.

5. Size of solute particles :-
• Smaller the size of the particle, greater is the solubility.

Concentration of solution
The amount of solute present in a given amount of solution or the amount of solute present in a given mass and volume of a solution.

Parameters for measuring concentration of solution

Mass percentage :- the mass of the solute in grams per 100 gram of the solution is called mass percentage or percentage by weight.
Is Matter Around Us Pure
Volume percentage aur percentage by volume :- The volume of solute in ml present in 100 ml of solution.
Is Matter Around Us Pure
Molarity (M) :- the number of moles of solute per litre of solution. 
Is Matter Around Us Pure
• SI unit is moles/litre.

Molality(m) :- the number of moles of the solute dissolved in 100 gram of solvent.
Is Matter Around Us Pure

• SI unit is mole/kg 

Mole fraction (X)  

The ratio of the number of the mole of one component to the total number of moles of all the components present in the solutions.
Let there are three component in a solution A,B and C.
number of moles = nA, nB and nC
Is Matter Around Us Pure
Suspension :- 
A hetrogenious mixture in which a solid particles are spread throughout the liquid without dissolving in it.
• They settle as the precipitate, if the suspension is left undisturbed for sometime.

Properties of suspension

• Suspension is of heterogeneous in nature.
• The particle size in a suspension is more than 100nm.
• The particles in suspension can be seen with naked eyes and also under a microscope.
• The solid particles present in the suspension can be easily separated by ordinary filter papers.
• The particles in suspension are unstable.

Colloidal solution :- A colloid is a mixture that is actually heterogeneous but appears to be homogeneous as the particles are uniformly spread throughout the solution.
Example :- milk, shaving cream, cheese etc.

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Properties of colloidal solution

• A colloidal solution appears to homogeneous but actually it is heterogeneous.
• The size of particles of a colloid is bigger than those of a true solution but smaller than those of suspension.
• Colloidal particle are too small to be individually seen by naked eyes.
• It's particle can pass through filter paper therefore a colloidal cannot be separated by filtration however they gets separated by a special technique called centrifugation.
• The colloid are quite stable, particles does not settle down when a colloidal is left and undisturbed.
• Colloidal particles are big enough to scatter the beam of light passing through their solution and make it's path visible.

Dispersed phase + dispersed medium = colloidal system

1. Classification of colloidal based on the physical state of the dispersed phase and dispersed medium.
 Type  Dispersed Phase  Dispersed medium   Example 
 Foam Gas  Liquid   Soap solution
Solid Foam Gas  Solid  Punic stone 
Liquid aerosol  Liquid  Gas   Mist, fog
 Emulsion  Liquid  Liquid   Cream , milk
Gel Liquid  Solid  Butters, cheez, Jam
Smoke Solid Gas  Dust, Storm 
Sol Solid Liquid   Protein , starch 
Solid sol Solid  Solid  alloy

2. classification based on the nature of interaction between dispersed phase and dispersed medium.
1. Lyophilic colloids :- In this type of colloids, the dispersed phase has great attraction for the dispersion medium.
• In such collides, the dispersed phase does not precipitate easily and the solution are quite stable.

2. Lyophobic colloids :- In this type of colloidal solution, the dispersed phase has little affinities for the dispersion medium.
• These colloids are easily precipitated on the addition of a small amount of electrolytes, by heating or by shaking.
• Once precipitated, it is not easy to reconstituted the solution by simple mixing with the dispersion medium, hence these solutions are called irreversible solution.

3. classification of colloids based on the types of particles of the dispersed phase :- 
1. Multimolecular colloids
2. Macromolecular colloids
3. Associated colloids

1. Multimolecular colloids :- in this type of colloids, the colloidal particles are aggregate of atoms or small molecules with the molecular size less than 1nm.
• In molecules in the aggregate are held together by wonderwall forces.
• they have usually lyophilic character.

2. Macromolecular colloids :- these are the substances having big size molecule which on dissolution form solution in which the dispersed phase particle have size in the colloidal range such substances are called macromolecular colloids.
• This micromolecules forming the dispersed phase are generally polymers having very high molecular masses.
• They have usually lyophobic character

3. Associated colloids :- certain substances behave as a strong electrolytes at low concentrations but at higher concentration these substances exhibits colloidal.

characteristics due to the formation of aggregated particles, these aggregated particles are called micelles.
• Micelles are called associated colloid
• Kraft temperature :- the formation of micelles take place only above a particular temperature called Kraft temperature and ever particular concentration called critical micelles concentration(cmc).
• micelles have both a lyophilic and lyophobic paath.

Special properties of colloids :- 
• Colligative property :- like true solution, colloidal solution also exhibit colligative property such osmotic pressure, elevation in boiling point, lowering in vapour pressure.
• since colligative properties of a solution depends upon the number of particles present in solution as well as on their weight.
• Brownian movement :- English Botanist Robert brown noticed that irregular motion of particle suspended in water. this was letter on named as Brownian motion.
• when a colloidal solution is viewed through a powerful microscope the colloidal particles can be seen moving in a random jig-jag paath. This motion is called Brownian movement. The random motion is due to the collision between the colloidal particles.
Is Matter Around Us Pure

Example :- when a beam of light passes through a dark room the dust particles can be seen moving in rapid, random fashion.

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Electrophoresis :- 
Colloidal particles moves toward the oppositely charged electrode when an external electric field is applied. This phenomenon is called electrophoresis.
• On applying direct current colloidal particles move and cogulat.

Tyndall effect :- 
• All colloidal solution are capable of scattering light.

Tyndall effect :- When a beam of converging rays falls in colloidal solution a scattering of light by solution particles in all the direction, gives rise to a bright glowing cone when looked at its side wise. This is known as tyndall effect.
Example :- Blue colour of sky and sea water             
                   Visibility of tails of comets
                   Twinkling of stars
                   Visibility of projector path

Method of separation of the constituents of the mixture :- 
1. Decantation and sedimentation :- 
This separation technique is applicable for a mixture containing liquid and other solid component.
• The solid component should be heavier and insoluble in liquid.

Sedimentation :- the process by which insoluble heavy particles in a liquid are allowed to settle down.

Decantation :- The process by which clear liquid is obtained after sedimentation is transferred into another container, without disturbing the settled particles.

2. Filteration :- 
This technique is used when a mixture contains two components, of which only one is soluble in a particular solvent.
• the soluble component passes through the filter paper as filtrate and the insoluble solid component is retained on the filter paper called residue.

3. Evaporation :- this technique is applied for the separation of non volatile Salt from its mixture in volatile liquid.
• On heating the volatile liquid evaporate, leaving behind the soluble salt.

4. Sublimation :- this process is used to separate a mixture containing two components one of which can form a sublimate (direct change of solid to vapour state on heating), while the other do not.

5. Gravity separation :- this technique is used for the separation of a mixture having component differ in densities.
• The powdered mixture is treated with a stream of running water when the lighter component are passed away leaving the heavier ones.

6. Magnetic separation :- this method is applied to separate a mixture containing one magnetic component and the other non magnetic component.
Example :- separation of iron from sand
                    Powdered iron from sulphur

7. Separating funnel :- this technique is based upon the principle that when a mixture of two in miscible liquids is allowed to a stand they separate out in two separate layers depending upon their densities.
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8. Chromatography :- 
• This method was first discovered by Tswett a rushian botanist in 1906.
• this technique was first used for separation of coloured substance and hence the name chromatography was given.
• the word chromatography comes from Greek word kroma and graphy, which means colour and writing.

Types of chromatography :- 
Paper chromatography,
Column chromatography,
Thin layer chromatography,
Gas-liquid chromatography,
High performance liquid chromatography, etc.

Paper chromatography :- 
separation of different components of a mixture by paper chromatography is based upon their different solubility in same solvent.
Procedure :- take a thin strip of a special type of filter paper called the chromatography filter paper.
Using a pencil, draw a line across the width of the filter paper at about 3 cm from bottom.put a small drop of ink from a sketch pen or a fountain pen at the centre of this line and let it dry.
Is Matter Around Us Pure
As water rises up the paper by capillary action and flows over the spot. Usually ink is a mixture of two or more coloured dies. the coloured component which is more soluble in water rises faster and produces the coloured spot on the paper at higher position.the less soluble component rise slower and produce colour spot at lower heights.

9. Distillation :- the process of heating a liquid to form vapour and then cooling the vapour to get back liquid.
Is Matter Around Us Pure

Distillate :- the liquid obtained by condensing the vapour is called distillate.

10. Fractional distillation :-
if the boiling point of two miscible liquids of the mixture are very closer to one another that means less than 25K or so, the separation cannot be achieved by simple distillation method. this is due to the reason that at the boiling point of the more volatile liquid of the mixture there will be sufficient vapour of the less volatile liquid as well as a result, both the liquid of the mixture will be distilled together and The separation cannot  achieved.
Is Matter Around Us Pure
Gas-liquid solution :-
The gases are usually soluble in water as well as in other solvent to a certain extent.

The solubility of a gas in liquid depends on
1. Nature of the gas
2. The pressure applied
3. The temperature
4. The nature of the liquid solvent

Henry's law :-
The mass of a gas dissolved in a given volume of a liquid at constant temperature is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas in equilibrium with the liquid this is known as Henry's law.

If "m" be the mass of a gas dissolved per unit volume of a solvent at pressure "p". 
m ∝ p
m = kp
k = Proportionality constant 
In terms of mole fraction 
x ∝ p
x = KHp
KH = Henry constant 
p = partial pressure 
x = mole fraction
Application of Henry's law :- 
• bottler use the effect of pressure of solubility in producing carbonate beverages such as champagne and soft drinks. These are bottled under a pressure slightly greater than 1 atm.
• when the bottles are opened in air the partial pressure of co2 above the solution decreases and CO2 bubbles out from the solution.
• the exchange of O2/CO2 at cellular level and in lungs is based on Henry's law.
• in the breathing mixture for deep sea divers, N2 is replaced by less soluble He, to minimise painful effect.
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