Look, Stranger : A poem summary.

 Look, Stranger

- Wystan Hugh Auden

Wystan hugh Auden (1907 -73) is one  of the most influential voices in the 20th century poetry. The baffling variety of styles.
    "Look stranger" is a poem where the poet reveals his technical skill by using sound techniques and figurative to reinforce his discripisition of a scene. This is one of the few poems by Auden which is based on natural description.
    In 1st stanza, The poets address some one unfamiliar with Britain asks him to look at the beauty of the Dover baech at the sun rise. he ask him to stand stable and be "silent" and listen to the "swaying" sounds of the sea and let it wonder into the ear like a flowing river. He is mesmerised with the beauty of the green field and the chalk hills which falls into the occean and acts as obstruction against the waves.
    In the second stanza the poets invite stranger to wait at the edge of small fields where the chalk cliff drops to shingle Beach below. the waves surge up the beach until they are halted by the cliff as the waves recede it shucks in the shingle. The seagull comes to rest for moment at the land's end.
    In the third stanza is a pointer by the poet to enjoy the beauty of the island this special moment in the time. For away in bosom of the sea the  ship look as small as seeds flowing on the water. hey are going to different countries voluntarily the weather are very calm and the water of the harbous s like a mirror the clouds salling over head are reflected beautifully ad clearly in the clam water like the sailing ships, the clouds also seem to sail away infect this seen will be reflected in the mirror of memory in times to cames.
    Hence, the simplicity and beauty o te poem is extremely appealing.

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