Question bank Computer (Honours) Paper-1 For B.C.A. part-1 examination

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    1. Choose the correct answer:

    (a) The switching device used in second generation was

    (i) IC
    (ii) Transistor
    (iii) Vacuum tube
    (iv) Microchip

    (b) The super computer Developed in India is

    (i) PARAM 10000
    (ii) CRAY-3
    (iii) Cyber-205
    (iv) None of these

    (c) The radix of hexadecimal no. system is

    (i) 10
    (ii) 2
    (iii) 16
    (iv) 8

    (d) The DOS command to deleted an existing file is

    (i) RD
    (ii) DEL
    (iii) MOVE
    (iv) COPY

    (e) Developer of 'c' language is

    (i) Denish Ritchie
    (ii) Pascal
    (iii) Lady Ada
    (iv) Subir Bhaia

    (f) One nibble equal to

    (i) 8 bits
    (ii) 2 bits
    (iii) 4 bits
    (iv) 1 bits

    (g) The size of float data type in 'C' language is

    (i) 1 byte
    (ii) 2 byte
    (iii) 3 byte
    (iv) 4 byte

    (h) Which of the loop structures executes at least once?

    (i) for ( )
    (ii) while ( )
    (iii) do... While ( )
    (iv) None of these

    (i) (456)8 = (__)10

    (i) 312
    (ii) 302
    (iii) 400
    (iv) 320

    (j) The stepwise procedure to solve a problem is known as.

    (i) algorithm
    (ii) flowchart
    (iii) program
    (iv) None of these

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. What is computer? How does it work? Discuss the different computer generation?
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. Discuss the block-diagram of computer and its working in details?
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. What is printer? Discuss the different types of impact and non impact printers?
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. Define the following terms:-

    (a) Analog computer 
    (b) Digital computer 
    (c) Hybrid computer 
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. Solve the following binary arithmetic :-

    (i) 10111011 + 11011110
    (ii) 11011101 - 111011
    (iii) 11010.0100 + 1001.01 + 001.11 + 11.01010
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. What is pseudo code? Write an algorithm and flow-chart to find the sum of n nature number?
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. Describe the evolution of microprocessor draw the architecture of Intel 8086 chip.
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. Write short notes on any three of following :

    (a) Batch file and configuration file
    (b) Tele conferencing 
    (c) Use of computer in entertainment
    (d) Assembler
    (e) Magnetic disk
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. What do you mean by programming language? Describe machine, Assembly and high level language with it merits and demerits.
    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Choose the correct answer :

    (a) A computer is a box full of electronic :

    (i) Switching device 
    (ii) Chips
    (iii) Circuits
    (iv) Register 

    (b) The term "memory" applies to which of the following:

    (i) Logic
    (ii) Storage 
    (iii) Control 
    (iv) Input device 

    (c) Linkage between the CPU and the users is provided by:

    (i) Storage 
    (ii) Control Unit
    (iii) Peripheral devices
    (iv) Software 

    (d) Which chips are erasable by ultraviolet rays after removing them from the main circuit?

    (i) EPROM chips
    (ii) EERPOM chips
    (iii) PROM chips
    (iv) All of the above. 

    (e) Conversion of decimal number 99 10 to its linary number equivalent to :

    (i) 11000112
    (ii) 1000112
    (iii) 11100012
    (iv) 11110002

    (f) Which register holds the intermediate result in ALU?

    (i) Instruction Register 
    (ii) Accumulator 
    (iii) Address Resister
    (iv) Program Counter 

    (g) The three sequential function for CPU operations are:

    (i) decode, fetch, execute 
    (ii) execute, decode, fetch
    (iii) fetch, execute, decode
    (iv) fetch, decode, execute

    (h) The circuit that is used for parallel to serial conversion is:

    (i) decoder
    (ii) encoder
    (iii) multiplexer
    (iv) demultiplexer

    (i) Static RAM stores binary values in:

    (i) Capacitor 
    (ii) Filp-flop
    (iii) Register 
    (iv) None of the above 

    (j) Which of the following is non-impact printer?

    (i) Daisy Wheel printer
    (ii) Drum printer
    (iii) Laser printer
    (iv) None of the above

    2. What is digital computer? Describe about the different components of computer.

    3. (a) What do you means by microprocessor? Draw the architecture of Intel 8088 microprocessor.

    (b) Differentiate between RISC & CISC technology.

    4. (a) What is an algorithms and flow-chart? What are the different symbols used in flow-chart?

    (b) Draw a flow chart to find the largest of three given number A, B and c.

    5. (a) Draw the block diagram of DMA controller.

    (b) What is Assembly Language? Write the differences between Assembler and compiler.

    6. Describe the roles that RAM and ROM play with in the computer, their main purpose and what distinguishes the two types of memory.

    7. Differentiate between the followings:

    (a) Impact and Non-impact printers.
    (b) Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor.
    (c) Analog, Hybrid and Digital computers.

    8. (a) Describe about the basic features of DOS? How you create batch file in DOS?

    (b) What do you mean by external & internal commands?  Describe any five each of external and internal command.

    9. (a) Why is the binary number system used for computers? Explain.

    (b) Subtract the following binary numbers using 2 IS compliments representation of negative numbers.

    (i) 101101.0011 - 100101.0001
    (ii) 11011.110 - 101.001
    (iii) 10111.1001 - 11000.1101
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. Write short notes on any three of the following:

    (i) Characteristics & Application of computer
    (ii) Management information system 
    (iii) Evolution of microprocessor 
    (iv) Arithmetic and logical unit
    (v) Tele - conferencing.
    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Choose the correct answer of the following:

    (a) The first electronic computer that has used the stored program concept introduced by John Von Neumann:

    (i) UNIVAC
    (ii) EDSAC
    (iii) ENIAC
    (iv) EDVAC

    (b) The unit that performs the arithmetic and logical operations on the stored number is known as:

    (i) Arithmetic & logic Unit
    (ii) Control Unit
    (iii) Memory Unit
    (iv) Both (i) & (ii)

    (c) Roman number system is a:

    (i) Positional number system 
    (ii) Non-positional number system 
    (iii) Both (i) & (ii)
    (iv) None of the above 

    (d) The binary equivalent of (231)10 is:

    (i) 11100111
    (ii) 10111001
    (iii) 01110011
    (iv) None of above 

    (e) Conversion of decimal number 6710 to its octal number equivalent is:

    (i) 1008
    (ii) 1038
    (iv) 998

    (f) ALU works on the instructions and data held in the:

    (i) Notebook
    (ii) Registers
    (iii) Copy pad
    (iv) I/O device 

    (g) Linkage between the CPU and user is provided by:

    (i) Storage 
    (ii) Control unit
    (iii) Peripheral device
    (iv) software 

    (h) Which one is the impact printer:

    (i) Laser printer
    (ii) Inkjet printer 
    (iii) Thermal printer
    (iv) Daisy wheel printer 
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. What is computer? How does it works? Explain about the different generation of computer?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. What is the role of Input/Output unit? Discuss about the different types of printers.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. What is the purpose of binary coding system? Briefly explain the term BCD, ASCII and EBCDIC.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. (a) What is the difference between centralized and distributed data processing?
    (b) What is software? How is it different from a program?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. (a) What is a computer program? List out the characteristics of a good program. How a flow chart is related with a program.
    (b) Write down the algorithm for calculating the area of circle. 

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. Discuss the evolution of microprocessor? Draw the architecture of INTEL 8086 microprocessor.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. Differentiate between the following (any three): 

    (a) Micro, mini and main frame computers
    (b) Low level and high level language
    (c) Real time and time sharing processing.
    .0(d) SASD and DASD
    (e) Online and offline data entry 
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. (a) Explain the booting process of an IBM-PC.
    (b) Explain the difference between batch file, configuration files and system file.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. Write notes on any three of the following:

    (a) Central processing
    (b) Electronic mail
    (c) Rom and its types
    (d) Timer display controllers
    (e) Register and its type
    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Choose the correct answer of the following :

    (a) ______ is a very small computer that can be held in the palm of the hand.

    (i) PDC
    (ii) PC
    (iii) Laptop 
    (iv) Mini computer 

    (b) A group of 8 bits is called a ____

    (i) Bite
    (ii) Byte
    (iii) Octa bits
    (iv) None of the above 

    (c) The binary equivalent of (359)10 is ______

    (i) 101010100
    (ii) 110011000
    (iii) 101100111
    (iv) None of the above 

    (d) A gate which is also known as inverter is ______

    (i) AND
    (ii) OR
    (iii) NOT
    (iv) NAND

    (e) The octal addition of (25)8 and (15)8 is _______

    (i) (42)8
    (ii) (40)8
    (iii) (41)8
    (iv) None of these

    (f) The set of wires, which carry information in a controlled manner is _____

    (i) System bus
    (ii) Public bus
    (iii) Private bus
    (iv) None of the above 

    (g) The memory, which is utmost access able to the processor is _______

    (i) RAM
    (ii) Cache memory 
    (iii) ROM
    (iv) None of the above 

    (h) Rotational delay is also known as _______

    (i) Seek time
    (ii) Shift time
    (iii) Latency 
    (iv) Access time

    (i) Which among the following is not a pointing device?

    (i) Trackball
    (ii) Lightpen
    (iii) Scanner 
    (iv) Mouse 
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. Explain the various applications of computer.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. (a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic organization of a computer system.
    (b) Explain the function of various units of a computer system.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. (a) what do you mean by hard copy and soft copy?
    (b) Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. Explain the storage organization of a magnetic tape. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. What are the different types of computers? Discuss the advantages of using Mini computer over Micro computer.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. Perform the binary arithmetic using 2's complement:
    (a) 10111001 + 10011001
    (b) 00001010 - 00110011
    (c) 1000011 - 00110101

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. What do you mean by language translator? Differentiate between complier and interpreter.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. Differentiate between them ;
    (a) Uniprocessor and multiprocessor 
    (b) Human Brian and computer

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. What is an instruction act? Explain RISC and CISC architecture. 

    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Discuss the features of  computer emerging applications with advantages and disadvantages.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. Define personal computers. Explain the generation of computer.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. Briefly explain type of printer with their features.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. Write short notes on any two of the following :
    (a) External storage devices 
    (b) Super and mainframe computer 
    (c) Binary addition and 2's complement representation 
    (d) Number system and conversion rules

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. Processing modes.  Briefly explain the real time processing. Discuss the performance parameters of system with different

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. What do you mean by DOS and Windows system? Explain any five internal and external Dos commands.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. Explain 8086 or 8088 architecture of intel processor.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. Define algorithm and discuss the various symbols and techniques used in flow chat for representing data flow control.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. Explain programming languages. Discuss the need of structured programming.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. What do you mean by COM, BIN, SYS, EXE and TEXT files? Also explain boot process in IBM PC.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Sketch the block diagram of digital computer. Discuss the basic organization of computer system and explain the function of various unit of a computer system.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. What do you understand by central processing unit? Describe in details the various units of CPU with diagram.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. Why primary memory unit is volatile whereas secondary memory unit is non-volatile? Explain with reasons.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. (a) What is the purpose of the binary coding system? Briefly explain term ASCII and EBCDIC.
    (b)Perform the following conversion :
    (i) Convert binary 00011011 to decimal 
    (ii) Convert decimal 278 to binary 
    (iii) Convert 19B116 to binary.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. (a) Draw the block diagram of DMA controller. Explain its operation.
    (b) Define and differentiate between RISC and CISC processor.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. What do you mean by programming language? Describe machine, assembly and high level language with it merits and demerits.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. Differentiate between the following (any two)
    a. Impact and non-impact printer.
    b. Centralized and distributed data processing.
    c. Real time and time sharing processing.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. (a) What is MS-DOS? Why the commands of MS-DOS divided into external and internal. Explain with reason.
    (b) Write the purpose and syntax of the following command :
    i. Copy
    ii. Format 
    iii. Disk copy
    iv. Erase
    v. Tree

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. (a) What do you mean by flow-chart and algorithms? what are the different symbols are used to flow-chart.
    (b) Write an algorithm and sketch the flow chart to sum the square and cubes of the odd number between 1 to 100.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. Write short notes on any two of the following :
    a. Management information system 
    b. Batch processing 
    c. Batch file and configuration file
    d. Need of structural program
    e. Electronic mail

    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Perform the following conversion 
    a. Convert binary 110110 to decimal 
    b. Convert decimal 255 to binary 
    c. Convert AB2C to binary 
    d. Convert 10100 into 2's compliment 
    e. Find 10110 + 110

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. Sketch the block diagram of digital computer. Explain the function of various units of computer system.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. Discuss the various generation of computer.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. What is CPU? Describe in details the various unit of CPU with diagram.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. (a) Define Ms-Dos? Explain internal and external with five commands of each.
    (b) Explain the following with type, purpose, syntax and example :

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. Differentiate between the following (any two)
    (a) Printer and Plotter
    (b) RISC and CISC
    (c) Off-line and On-line data entry 
    (d) Compiler and Interpreters

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. Define computer programming language. Describe machine, assembly and high level language with merits and demerits.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. (a) What are the characteristics of good program?
    (b) What do you mean by algorithms?
    (c) Write an algorithm and draw the flowchart to sum of even numbers between 1 to 100.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. Write a program in QBASIC to find the average of any five integer number with flow chart.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. Write short notes on any two of the following :
    (a) Pseudo code
    (b) DMA Controllers
    (c) Seek time
    (d) Batch time
    (e) Dot Matrix printers

    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. What is meant by computer generation? List out the various generation in computer technologies along with their characteristics.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. Differentiate among microcomputers, minicomputers and mainframes.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. Differentiate between the characteristics of primary and secondary memory of computer.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. Explain the three categories of printers.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. Convert (1100110100)2 into (a) decimal, (b) octal and (c) hexadecimal.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. Define the software. List and explain the types of software. Give two examples of each category.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. Explain the four categories of programming languages.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. Explain the various characteristics of RISC and CISC.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. Write features of Dos operating system. Explain booting process in DOS. Define batch file with an example.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. Give the DOS commands to perform the following operations :

    (a) Delete all the file from the subdirectory bca/dept in the drive D: whose file names have a BAK extension.
    (b) Copy all the file begging with m and whose file name has .txt extension from drive D: to the \documents on drive C.
    (c) Make anew directory NEWDIR under the directory OLDDIR, copy all file and subdirectories from OLDDIR to NEWDIR.
    (d) To hide all the file whose name start with bca.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Perform the following conversions:
    (a) Convert binary 1001001110 to decimal 
    (b) Converter decimal 1024 to binary 
    (c) Convert (DCA4)16 to binary 
    (d) Convert (11010101)2 inti 2's complement.
    (e) Find (342)8 + (410)8 and convert the result to decimal.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. (a) Discuss the characteristics of a digital computer.
    (b) What is the difference between analogue, digital and hybrid computer systems?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. (a) Name the applications of a digital computer in various area of present day life.
    (b) Draw a labelled diagram of drum printer and describe its working mechanism. Is it a non-impact type of printer?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. Differentiate between the following with examples:
    (a) SASD and DASD
    (c) ASCII and EBCDIC

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. With respect to hard disk drive, define:
    (i) Track and sector
    (ii) Seek time and Latency time

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. How are negative numbers represented in a digital computer? Discuss the different schemes for representing negative numbers with their characteristics.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. What is the difference between:
    (i) HLL and LLL
    (ii) Machine language and assembly language 
    (iii) Compiler and interpreter

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. What do you understand by MIS? What are the main information system that are essential for a business organization?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. (a) What are the essential characteristics of an algorithm? Enumerate.
     (b) Write an algorithm to print out the prime numbers from 101 to 200.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10. Write short notes
    (a) Teleconferencing 
    (b) Distributed processing 

    Ans. (Answer yourself )


    1. Write short notes on the following terms/ keywords:

    (a) Laser Printer
    (b) ASCII Coding
    (c) DOS
    (d) CISC Technology
    (e) QBASIC
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    2. (a) What are the difference between microcomputer, mini computer, mainframe computer and super computer?
    (b) Explain in detail the components of computer hardware.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    3. (a) List five important registers of the CPU. Also state the purpose of each register.
    (b) Show the classification of the input devices. Give a description of joystick along with its features.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    4. (a) Convert E16, 389, E4.16 and 2A.1B hexadecimal numbers into decimal numbers.
    (b) Perform binary subtraction on the following pairs of binary numbers.

    (i) 111000, 011010
    (ii) 0110, 0010
    (iii) 1111, 1001
    (iv) 1100, 1010
    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    5. (a) What are the differences between Compiler and Interpreter?
    (b) Describe the two categories of system software and give an example of each category.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    6. (a) State the purpose of each of the control structures: Sequence, Selection, and Iteration.
    (b) Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the sum of all odd numbers till 100.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    7. (a) Describe the second generation computer based on hardware, software, computing characteristics, physical appearance and their applications.
    (b) What are the functions of the Arithmetical Logical Unit and Control Unit?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    8. (a) Explain the need of each the cache memory. State three important features of the cache memory.
    (b) What is the meaning of volatile memory? Also give an example of volatile memory with explanation.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    9. (a) Describe the functionality of the daisywheel printer.
    (b) What are the difference between impact and non-impact printers?

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

    10 (a) What is Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller? Describe with a diagram.
    (b) Describe architecture of 8086 microprocessor with a diagram.

    Ans. (Answer yourself )

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