Introduction to HTML : class 9th notes


    HTML refers to Hypertext Markup Language. There is a special kind of text used by web browsers that represents the data. This data may be in the form of letters, images, audio, or videos. 

    Overview of HTML

    HTML was invented in November 1990 by a scientist called Tim Berneses-Lee. It is not an invention but an improved version of Standard Generalised Markup Language(SGML).

    What tools do you need?

    • HTML editor
    • A Web Browser

    Tags and Attributes

    A tag is a special word enclosed in angle-brackets < >. A tag tells the browser to perform an action as asked by the special word. This special word is known as attributes used inside a tag. The browser will respond to both cases equally.
    Eg. <BODY> </BODY> This is Tag and style="color: blue;" This is attribute 

    An element is a combination of a start tag, the text(we also use text to insert graphics) and the end tag.
    Element = <BODY style="color: blue;" > Welcome to JR World </BODY>

    A tag to instruction and an attribute to an extension to an instruction.

    One set of tags may contain another set of tags. This is called nesting of tags.
    <TAG1> <TAG2>……………</TAG2> </TAG1>

    <TAG1> and </TAG1> is the first block of tags. <TAG2> and </TAG2> is the second block of tags. 

    Structure of HTML document

    The basic structure of the HTML document is divided into two sections namely, the head 
    and the body. 

    The first section helps in changing the heading on the title bar of the HTML document (the webpage). The starting of the heading is shown after the start tag of TITLE and the end is shown by </TITLE>. The end tag of HEAD i.e. </HEAD> tells the browser that the end of the first section has come.

    The second section begins with the start tag of BODY. The data on the webpage is displayed through the tags used in this section. The end tag of BODY i.e. </BODY> tells the browser that no more data is to be inserted on the webpage and the end of the web document has come. After the completion of this section, the slash HTML or the end tag of HTML tells the browser to stop looking for HTML commands. 

    Saving the HTML document

    When you have finished writing the HTML code in the text editor, click on the File menu and select the Save option. This opens a window, which asks you to save the file in a folder and give a name and an extension to the file. The extension in this file will be .html or .htm. This will turn the file into a webpage.
    e.g.:- basic.htm or Class 9th tutorial.html

    In order to modify the webpage, open the webpage with a notepad.

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