The Alchemist : A book Review

The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a famous work of a Brazilian author Paulo Coelho that was published in 1988. Originally written in partuguess but later it become widely translated international bestseller. Original title of this novel is "O Alquimista" . Genre of this novel is quest, adventure and fantasy.

There are some extracted line from the novel "The Alchemist"

when you want something all the universe compires in helping you to achieve it.
When we, love we always strive to become better than we are when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us better too.
One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.
The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.
Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure

The Alchemist is the story and journey of a shepherd in order to find treasure named Santiago. The plotting of this novel is about finding one's destiny. Santiago wants to know about world. he want to explore the beauty of world but his father want that Santiago will be a priest. when he express his view then his father did not interrupted even he gave him three gold coins to buy ships. Santiago become a shepherd.
He dreamed twice and incomplete both the time. then he meet a Jewish woman who interpret that he will find treasure in Egypt  somewhere in pyramids. But Santiago did not show much interest in finding treasure but when he meets "Melchizedek", an old wise man who told himself the king. after meeting with this man Santiago decide to carry forward his dream and try at least a single time to find treasure. When he reached Africa from Spain he did not know Arabic and meet a boy who can understand Spanish. the boy robbed him in order to helping him and Santiago have now nothing left. He decide to return to his motherland but in the next point of time he remember the word of old wise man and the promise  that Santiago gave to the Jewish women.
In the path of his journey he meet with lots of people and Santiago also face lots of difficulties too.

What happens in the journey of Santiago?
Who else did he meet?
What are the lessons which he learnt?
Is there any treasure in Egypt?
How the story move forward?
What is the end of this beautiful novel?

For knowing the answer of this question you should read the book. This book definitely give you idea to pursue your dream in different perspective. Click down to grab paperback.
By :- Kumari_Anshu_Jr 

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