A Walk to Remember : A book Review

A Walk to RememberA Walk to Remember

Nicholas sparks (born on 31st December 1965 Omaha, Nebraska,U.S) is American novelist famous for his romantic novels. He is famous for his work "The notebook".
A Walk to remember was published in October 1999 through the publisher warner books. This book is not so thick, it have just 240 pages and language of this novel is also quite easy. A beginner can also go for it. Genre of this novel is drama and romance. It is so heart touching novel and this novel also shows a great work by Nicholas Spark again, after "The notebook". A Walk to remember was adopted in the film of the same name and Nicholas sparks's fan also love that too. New year daily news compliments sparks, commenting that "he has written a sweet tale of young but ever lasting love, and though he's told us to expect both joy and sadness. The tears will still come."
Some extraction from the book.
Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.
Do you ever wonder why things have to turn the way they do.
It was I remembered thinking, the most difficult work anyone ever had to make. In every way A Walk to remember.
Lord has a plan for us all, but sometimes we just don't understand what the message can be.
Love is always patience and kind.it is never jealous.Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth.

This novel have acknowledgement, prologue and contain 13 chapters. Story start with a prologue from Landon carter at the age of 57. This story was set in the year 1958 and chapter first start with Landon Carter when he was 17 year old, a senior student at Beaufort heigh school. according to this novel Landon is an irresponsible but cheerful person. His father did not spent much time with him so his relation with his father was not so good. Another character is Jamie Sullivan, perfect and calm. She is so sensitive and has great faith in God. His father Reverend hegbert Sullivan, minister of the church. He organised a play every year and the story of this play is also written by him called The Christmas Angel. Jamai and her father are deeply connected. Gemini always carry her Bible that sometimes sound so odd. Landon and Jamie spent lots of time together because of some reason and gradually Landon fall in love with Jemie. Jemie has also some feelings for London.
• Why the character of London considered to be irresponsible but good hearted?
• what is the story of the play?
• what about Jemie's mother?
• why the play "The Christmas angel" is mentioned in the novel?
• Is the story ends up with the Jamie and Landon love?
• what is the end of the novel?

For knowing the answers of these questions you should read the novel first. This novel is beautifully framed and you definitely love this novel if you like to read romantic novels.
By :- Kumari_Anshu_Jr
Click here :- https://amzn.to/3ggqzg0

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