Internet Basic : Class 10th Notes

Internet Basic 

    Internet Basic

    A group of computer connected to each other is via wire such as cable or wireless media called as Network.

    Computer are connected to network for sharing information and other resources.
    E.g.- Your computer → Network → ISRO/NASA


    A small network set up for US Department where it was use to connect Four computer, But these day it become large and people of all over the world are connected with it.

    ARPANET :- Advance Research Projects Agency NETwork (The goal of this project was connect computer of different universities and U.S. defense).

    NSFnet :- In mid of 80’s, another federal agency (National Science Foundation) created a new, high-capacity network called NSFnet.

    Uses of Internet 

    • Getting information on various topics via electronic newspapers and magazines.
    • Online shopping, billing, banking, planning vacation etc.
    • Watching movies and TV shows online.
    • Booking railway or air tickets.
    • Learning, communicating and contact information. 
    • Navigating and mapping places.

    Components of Internet 

    May all of you are familiar with G-Mali, web and web access, but internet is something more than this -
    • Access :- To interact directly with the internet requires some form of access or connectivity to the internet.
    • Chat :- Many websites provide live discussion on the internet which is called chat.
    • Ecommerce :- Taking order for products and services on the internet is a common phenomenon. 
    • E-Mail :- Exchanging electronic letters, messages and small files on internet. 
    • FTP :- File Transfer Protocol is the most common method of transferring files between Computers via the Internet. 
    • Hosting :- Making information available to other on internet is called Hosting.
    • Search Engines :- These tools are often used when looking for information because the Web has grown so large and is without any inherent organizational structure.

    World Wide Web (WWW)

    The WWW is a set of programs, standards and protocol governing the way in which multimedia files (multimedia files are the documents that contain a combination of text, images, graphics, video and audio) are created and displayed on the internet.

    WWW or the web, is an information space on the internet where multimedia files are identity by URL which may interlinked with  hypertext, and are accessible over the internet.
    The resources of WWW may be accessed by user by a software or application called web browser
    E.G - Internet explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.  

    Q. Who and when Invented the WWW ?
    - An English engineer and computer scientist (London) Tim Berners-Lee invited the World Wide Web in 1990.

    Before WWW, Internet was mainly used for obtaining textual information.

    WWW Attributes 

    • User-friendly :- WWW resource can work easily with most internet browsers, which are very user-friendly.
    • Multimedia Documents :- A web page is a document on the internet that can contain text plus any other multimedia elements. WWW allows and supports the internet user to create, link, or display these multimedia web page.
    • Hypertext and Hyperlink :- A hypertext file is a document in which Text, graphics, image, audio and video contained in it. But also dynamic links to related files or documents, which available on net. These links are called hyperlink.
    • Interactive :- WWW support and enable page interactivity between users and servers through one or more of the following ways.
    Hyperlinks, Input Box (radio buttons, check-box, text-boxes etc.

    Q. What is World wide web ?
    - It is a collection of information, resources, pictures, sounds, multimedia on the internet that are linked and connected together. Also called as web or WWW.

    Internet Terminology 

    • Modem :- (Modulator-demodulator) This device is use to connect computer of various users through wired or wireless telephone lines. It converts digital signals into analog signals (modulation) and analog signals into digital signals (Demodulator).
    • Web page :- A web page is a document on the internet that can contain text plus any other multimedia elements. WWW allows and supports the internet user to create, link, or display these multimedia web page.
    • Web Browser :- A web browser is an application that help  to view webpage created using HTML. Which convert HTML documents help to understand the user. The popular web browser are Google Chrome, Safari, Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.
    • Website :- A collection of related web pages is called a website.
    • Home page :- The first page of any website is called Home page that website. It is default page of websites.
    • Hyperlink :- The piece of text that contains underlined word or graphic that can be clicked to open another page is called Hyperlinks. Such as :- , , etc.. .
    • Severe:- A server is a special computer that manages the network resources, software and files. 
    • IP address :- (internet protocol address) It contain four numbers within the range of 0 to 225 joined with the help of periods (.).  e.g. – 192.12.456.38 .
    • Domain Name :- it is used to identify IP addresses on the internet. In which the address consists letter of the alphabets. Like, etc.
    • URL :- (Uniform Resource Locator) every resource on the internet, like webpage, website, document, and multimedia has a unique address which is used to locate them on the internet. This address is know as URL of the resources. Which is entered in the address bar of the web browser.

    Web server 

    A web server is a computer system delivers content or services to users over the internet.

    A server uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer protocol) to serve the files that from web pages to users, in response to there request.

    Services provided by Web server 

    E.g., Facebook servers store the information of all Facebook accounts that exist, like their name, birthday, profile picture and so on stored on their computer. 
    Internet Basic
    • The client’s browser divides the URL into the different parts like address, path name and protocol.
    • DNS translate the domain name into corresponding IP address. The numeric combination represents the site’s true address on internet.
    • The browser decides which protocol should be used. Like FTP, HTTP, HTTPS are some example of protocol. 
    • The server sends a get response to the web server to retrieve the address it has been given.  
    • The browser converts data into HTML and displays results to user. If it does not locate it send error massage to the browser and to the client.


    A collection of related web pages is called a website. The web pages are interlinked  with each other and have common interface to all.
    E.g. A school website contains all the information about the school such as fee structure, curriculum, admission, contact, address etc.

    Components of a website 

    Front End Element :- Front End is what you see on the webpage.
    1. The navigation structure
    2. The page layout
    3. Logo
    4. Image
    5. Contents
    6. Graphic Design 
    Back-End Element :- Now in modern website they are searchable. They offer new image, information, results on each visit, in response to the specific needs of the user. All these functional elements are called Back-End Element.

    Content Management System :- This allow to update website without having to edit HTML. This system allow for document to be prepared, edit, approve, and track prior to publication.

    Shopping Cart :- For shopping website, This is just a way for pick out different items and make a single purchase at the end of the process.

    Site Search :- A tedious task of searching a information on hug internet/website can be retrieved easily by using Site search.

    Security :- All kind of information can be found hidden on website Like trade secret, client credit card details, and every imaginable piece of personal data.

    Other Components :- Hosting, Domain name.

    Web pages 

    A web page is a electronic document on internet basically created by using HTML.
    It contain text, graphics, animation, sound, video and hyperlinks. 

    Components of Web page

    • Continent Based components 
    1. Hyperlink 
    2. Hypertext
    • Structure Based components
    1. Page title :- A piece of text written as name of webpage and it display in the title bar of the web browser.
    2. Header :- Header is text which used to tell about the page display top of the page and below title.
    3. Body of page :- This section contains of webpage.
    4. Navigation links :- These are simple hyperlink to move one page to another page.
    5. Footer :- Bottom of the webpage is known as footer mainly use to specifying Copyright, or website information etc.


    A blog is an easy-to-create website by users where they share thoughts and information with the world. The person who writes the blog is known as Blogger and the activity of updating or creating a blog is know as Blogging.

    Some common features of blog are :

    1. It is updated frequently and regularly.
    2. Blogs can individual authors or a collection of author.
    3. Blogs have an area for people to comment or respond to the blog post.
    4. They have a history or an archive of previous blog posts.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogs

    • Use for sharing our thoughts and feelings.
    • Easy to write and manage.
    • Quick update and easy to add a new post.
    • Easy and friendly interface
    • All posts are available to everyone so if error in blog then it shows to all.
    • Blogs may contain false statements.
    • Comments on blog may blog false, or violent.
    • Some blog may be useless. It may lead to improper knowledge

    Web Address (URL)

    Web address is defined as the global address of documents and another resources on the world wide web. Web address is also know as URL.

    URL is basically written as :-

    Elements of URL

    üServer type or protocol
    üServer address
    üLocation of website on the server

    The next component of URL is the server name, it start with www. and end with any domain name.
    Internet Basic

    We use abbreviation (.in for India) to Indicate country name after the domain name.



    What is HTML?

    A webpages is developed using a language called HTML.

    HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language. 

    Hypertext means Hyperlinks that an HTML page contains. 
    Mark-up Language means the way tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the webpage.

    HTML is not any programming language. It is a tag based language.

    Each webpage is start with <HTML> tag (opening tag) and end with </html> (closing tag) and other tag and information appear between them.

    The tag instruct the browser to format and display the web page. Tags are enclosed within angular brackets like <title> </title>, <body> <body>, <H1> </H1>.

    Now consider a example to display “Hello student!” in the web browser :
    Internet Basic


    <title>Our first web page</title>


    <h1>Hello Student!</h1>




    Data transfer on a network involves communication between the client and the server system. So some standard set of rules are used by two systems to make communication possible. These network communication rules are known as Protocols.

    The main protocol for transferring information on the web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). But web also support many protocols, such as FTP, News, WAIS


    Internet use a set of Two protocol TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) to exchange the information between source and destination system. 
    • Internet use packet switching techniques to transfer the data, TCP is used to converting the information into equal sized packets and it also responsible to resemble the received the packet at the destination computer to the original information.
    • IP is used to assign the address of destination computer to each packet and reroute them over the network. It also responsible for moving packets of data from nodes to nodes


    HTTP is set of rules for transferring files on World Wide Web. When Internet user opens a web browser, the user is indirectly making use of HTTP. 
    It is a communication protocol used by the client machine to send request to the web server for a web pages and at sever end; it help to transfer the request page on the client machine.

    Hypertext transfer protocol secure is an extension of the HTTP.  It is used for secure communication over computer network, In HTTPS, the comminution protocol is encrypted by using Transport Layer Security (TLS), or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

    Q. How to check your connection is Secure?
    Ans:- Before doing any financial transactions on any website it is necessary to check that  your web address must start with https and there is a padlock sign on navigation bar.

    File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

    Transferring a file via FTP requires two participants: an FTP client program and FTP server program. The FTP client is the program that we runs on our computer. The FTP server is the program that runs on the huge mainframe some where and stores many thousands of files. The FTP client can Download (receive) or upload (send) files to the FTP server.

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

    SMTP is a set of commands that authenticate and direct the transfer of electronic mail.

    Internet Massage Access Protocol (IMAP)

    It is a standard email protocol that stores email messages on a mail server, but allows the end user to view and manipulate the masses as through they were locally on the end user’s computing devices.

    Some other Protocol

    TELNET Protocol

    TELNET (terminal network) is a TCP/IP standard for establishing a connection to a remote system. It allow us to login to a remote machine.

    Secure Shell (SSH)

    Secure Shell (SSH), another remote login protocol, is based on UNIX Programs, SSH uses TCP for communication but it is more powerful and flexible than TELNET and allows the user to more easily execute a single command on a remote client.

    Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

    SFTP is a secure version of FTP, Which facilitate data access and data transfer over the SSH data stream. It is the part of the  SSH Protocol.
    SFTP is allowing file transfer over SSH and use with Transport Layer Security (TLS) and VPN (Virtual Private Network) application. Both commands and data are encrypted in order to prevent password and other sensitive information.

    Power Point Slide Notes 

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