Motion : Class 9th Notes




The branch of mechanics dealing with the study of motion of a particle without taking into account the force and energy.


A particle is said to be in motion if its position, relative to the surrounding chains with respect to time.


A particle is said to be at rest if its position, relative to the surrounding does not change with respect to time.

🠆 Rest and motion are relative terms not absolute.

Types of motion 

1. Random motion :- In this type of motion the particle moves randomly, does not move along a definite path.
Example :- The motion of dust particle in the wind or in air.

2. Translational motion :- In this type of motion, every particle of the body has the same displacement.

🠆 Translational motion can be along a straight or along a curved path. 
🠆 The motion along a straight line is called rectilinear motion.
🠆 The motion along a curved path is called curvilinear motion.

3. Rotational motion :- If the particle of the body revolve in a circle about the same axis, then the motion is said to be rotational motion. 
Example :- Rotation of earth on its axis.

4. Oscillatory or vibratory motion :- To and fro motion about a fixed point is called oscillatory or vibratory motion. 
Example :- Motion of pendulum of clock

Scalar quantity :- Physical quantity that can be defined "magnitude" only are known as a scalar quantity. 

Vector quantity :- Physical quantities that can be defined only if both, "its magnitude" and "direction" are specified are called vector quantities.

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The total path length travelled by a body in a given time interval is called distance. 

Distance = AB + BC + CD + DE + EF + FA
🠆 SI unit = metre (m)
🠆 It is a scalar quantity


The change in position of the object along a particular direction during the time from the initial position to the final position. 

Displacement = (AF) ⃗  
🠆 SI unit = metre (m)
🠆 It is a vector quantity.

Characteristics of displacement

🠆 The displacement of an object has the unit of length. 
🠆 The displacement of an object in a given interval of time can be positive, negative or zero.
🠆 The magnitude of the displacement of an object between two points gives the shortest distance between those two points.
🠆 The displacement of the object between two point has a unique value.
🠆 The actual distance travel by the object in the given interval of time can be equal to or greater than the magnitude of the displacement.
distance = / displacement /
(1). If direction is not charged 
distance = / displacement /

(2). If direction is changed 
distance > / displacement /

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The time rate of change of position of the object in any direction is called a speed.
The distance travelled by a body in per unit time in any direction.

Speed = distance / Time

🠆 SI unit = m/s = ms-1
🠆 CGS unit = cm/s = cms-1
It is a scalar quantity

Uniform speed  

An object is said to be moving with a uniform speed if it cover equal distance in equal interval of time however a small this interval may be. 

Equal distance        8m            8m                8m            8m
Unequal time         4sec          4sec              4sec          4sec
Speed                    2 m/s        2 m/s             2 m/s        2 m/s

Non uniform speed or variable speed 

An object is said to be moving with variable speed if it covers equal distance unequal interval of time or an unequal distance in equal intervals of time however a small this interval may be.

Equal distance        5m            5m                5m            5m
Unequal time         1sec          3sec              2sec          4sec
Speed                    5 m/s       5/3 m/s         2.5 m/s     1.25 m/s

Average speed 

Average speed for the given motion is defined as the ratio of total distance travelled by the body to the total time taken.

Case 1
If a particle travels distance S1, S2, S3 etc with the speed V1, V2, V3 respectively in same direction then,
Note :- The body travels equal distance with  different speeds.

Case 2 
If a particle travels with a speed V1, V2, V3 etc during time interval t1, t2, t3 respectively then,

Instantaneous speed

The speed of an object at a given instant of time is called its instantaneous speed.
Let at on instant t,
moving covers a distance Δs in a small interval of time Δt. so that Δt → 0

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The time rate change of displacement of the object. 
The speed of an object in a given direction is called velocity.
Velocity = displacement / time interval 

🠆 SI unit = m/s
🠆 CGS unit = cm/s
🠆 It is a vector quantity.
🠆 The velocity of an object can be positive, negative and zero according as its displacement is positive, negative and zero.

Uniform velocity

An object is said to be moving with the uniform velocity if it undergoes equal displacement in equal intervals of time however a small this interval may be. 
 Displacement  20 m 20 m  20 m  20 m 
 Time interval  4 sec  4 sec   4 sec 4 sec 
Velocity   5 m/sec 5 m/sec   5 m/sec 5 m/sec 

🠆 Uniform velocity is also called constant velocity.

Non uniform velocity or variable velocity

An object is said to be moving with the variable velocity if it undergoes equal displacement in unequal intervals of time.
An equal displacement in equal interval of time.
Change the direction of motion while moving with constant speed. 

Uniform motion in a straight line

An object is said to be in uniform motion if it undergoes equal displacement in equal interval of time however a small these intervals may be.

Consider an object in uniform motion along a straight line OX with a velocity V
Let point O be the origin  for position measurement.
Let A and B be the positions of the object at instant of time t1 and t2 respectively.

Important feature of uniform motion

 • For a uniform motion along a straight line in a given direction the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the actual distance covered by the object.
 • The velocity in uniform motion does not depend on the time interval.
 • The velocity in uniform motion is independent of choice of origin
 • Velocity of an object is taken positive if object is moving towards the right of origin and is taken to be negative if the object is moving toward the left of origin.
 • To force is required for an object to be in uniform motion.
 • The average and instantaneous velocity have same value in a uniform motion.

Non-uniform motion

An object is said to be in a non uniform motion if it undergoes equal displacement in unequal intervals of time however a small these intervals may be.

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The time rate of change in velocity of the object is called acceleration.
The change in velocity in unit time is called acceleration.
• SI unit is m/s2 = ms2
• It is a vector quantity.
• Acceleration may be positive, negative and zero.
• Acceleration is negative if the velocity is decreasing.
• Acceleration is positive if the velocity is increasing.
• Acceleration is zero if the velocity is constant.
• The negative acceleration is also called retardation or deacceleration.

If initial velocity is 'U' at time t1 and time t2 its final velocity become V

Equation of motion :- 
equation of motion are valid only for uniform accelerated body.
u = initial velocity
v = final velocity
a = uniform acceleration
t = time taken by body
s = distance covered
1. v = u + at
2. s = ut + 1/2 at2
3. v2 = u2 +2as

(i). Analytical method
(ii). Graphical method

Analytical methods 
1. v = u + at
according to definition of acceleration 
a = v - u / t
at = v - u
u + at = v
v = u + at

2. s = ut + 1/2 at2
Distance = average velocity ✖ time
3. v2 = u2 + 2as
v = u + at
Both side squaring
v2 = (u + at)2
v2 = u2 + 2uat + a2t2
v2 = u2 + 2a (ut + 1/2 at2)
v2 = u2 + 2as

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Distance  traveled in nth sec of uniformly accelerated motion.
let u = initial velocity of the object 
     a = Uniform acceleration of the object 
     sn = distance travell by object in n sec.
     sn-1distance travell by object in n-1 sec.
     Dndistance travell in nth sec.

Graphical methods 

velocity time graph of a uniformly accelerated motion 

AB shows acceleration 
slop AB = tan Ө = BC/AC
                 a =  (v - u)/ t
                at = v - u
                v = u - at
Area under the curve of velocity - time graph gives distance 
Distance  = area of OABD
S = Area of  △ABC + Area of  rectangle 

Circular motion

Uniform circular motion :- When a point object is moving on a circular path with a constant speed,it covers the equal distance on the circumference of the circle in equal intervals of time then the motion of the object is said to be a uniform circular motion.

• If uniform circular motion, the velocity of the object is changing its direction continuously. hence, it is a case of uniformly accelerated motion.

Angular displacement :- 
the angle traced out by the radius vector at the axis of circular path in a given time. 
• SI unit = radian
• it is a vector quantity.

Angular velocity :- the time rate of change of its angular displacement is called angular velocity.
• SI unit = radian/sec
• it is a vector quantity.

Time period :- the time taken by the object to complete one revolution on its circular path is called time period.
• It is represented by 'T'

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Frequency :- the number of revolution completed by the object on its circular path in a unit time is called frequency.
• It is denoted by 𝝂 or f

Let a body take 'n' revolution in 't' second then 
𝝂 = n/t
• SI unit = s-1 (per second)

Relation between time period and frequency :-
If n = 1         Then t = T 

            𝝂 = 1/T

Relation between angular velocity, frequency and time period.
when the object complete one revolution the angle trust at its axis of circular motion is is 2π radius
ω = 0/t
t = T, ፀ = 2π rdian
ω = 2π/t
∵ 𝝂 = 1/T
ω = 2π𝝂
Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity :-
Angular acceleration
The time rate of change of its angular velocity is called angular acceleration .
Relation between linear acceleration and angular acceleration :-
Centripetal acceleration :- 
acceleration acting on the object undergoing uniform circular motion is called centripetal acceleration.
• It always act on the object along the radius towards the centre of the circular path.
           Centripetal acceleration = ω2r = V2/r

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