HTML An Introduction : class 10th notes

HTML An Introduction


    Internet is a network that is used by everyone to access various websites which located on the internet server, and a website is written with the help of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is read by the help of web browsers, converts that document in the language understood by us and display them on the screen.

    HTML – Hyper Text Mark-up Language

    HTML is a language that use to creat Webpage and website that can be displayed on World Wide Web. It is improved version of Standard Generalised Markup Language (SMGL).

    SMGL is a Meta Language used to defining and creating descriptive markup language.

    Features of HTML Language

    Easy to learn.

    It is not case-sensitive language.

    It does not require technical knowledge to learn.

    HTML Writing Tools

    Text Editor

    WYSIWYG Editor (What You See Is What You Get)

    Structure of an HTML Document

    Container Elements 
    HTML An Introduction

    These elements have opening and closing tags that's why it is also know as "Paired tags". Closing tag of these elements will be written with a '/’.
    E.g. <HTML> </HTML>, <TITLE> </TITLE>, <BODY> </BODY>,.... Etc.

     Empty Elements

    These elements have no need of closing tags, these elements are also known as "Standalone tags".
    E.g. <HR>, <BR>,...... etc.

    Attributes Elements 

    These elements are used inside the tags for the additional information about tags. 
    E.g. <BODY bgcolor="red">
    In this tag bgcolor is attribute of the main tag <BODY> and red is the value of bgcolor.

    Basic HTML Tags

    Every HTML document contains some standard tags and these tags form the basic structure of HTML document are known as Basic tags and they are :-
    HTML An Introduction
    • <HTML> Tag :- This is a container tag to define the document and browser that the document is a HTML document.
    • <HEAD> Tag :- This is also a container tag used to display information that you do not want to display directly on the web pages. it contains <title> tag.
    • <TITLE> Tag :- Title tag is use to give title of document or web page that appears in the tab of browser. It is also a container tag.
    • <BODY> Tag :- The information which you want to publish on your website will written under the <BODY> tag. this tag is also a paired tag.

    Tags of an HTML

    <BODY> Tag 

    All elements like text, video, image, links etc which display on the web page are all written inside the <BODY> tag.
    HTML An Introduction

    <BR> Tag 

    This tag is used to sift text to the next line. This tag has no attributes and its known as empty elements.
    Heading Tag
    This tag is use to give headlines of your contain, the text appear bolder than normal fonts. HTML provide six type of heading from H1 to H6, here H6 stand for smallest heading and H1 stand for largest heading.
    HTML An Introduction

    Heading tag has only one attribute known as text-align, and text-align attribute have three values :- Left, Center, Right.
    E.g. <h1 text-align="left">Heading level 1</h1>
    <h2 text-align="right">Heading level 2</h2>
    <h3 text-align="center">Heading level 3</h3>

    <P> Tag

    <P> tag is a container tag, the text which written in side this tag is appeared as paragraph and a blank line is enclosed before and after the text, this tag has also only one attribute known as text-align, and text-align attribute have three values :- Left, Center, Right.
    E. g. <P text-align="center">Welcome to JRWorld HTML theory part</P>

    <HR> Tag

    The use of <HR> tag is to inserts a straight horizontal line across the webpage to divide the page into different sections.
    By default it appears shaded and spans the width of the browser.
    HTML An Introduction

    FONT Tag

    Font tag is used to change the size , color and types of font. It is a container tag.
    HTML An Introduction


    These tags are called as style tags, these tags highlight the test and make it appear bolder, underlined or italic then the normal fonts.
    <B> tag is used for making the text bold.
    <U> tag is used for Underlining the text.
    <I> tag is used to make the text italic form.

    Comment tags

    Comment tags are used to insert comments in HTML source code. This tags are visible to anyone that view in source code, but not visible when the HTML document is execute with browser. It used to place notifications and reminders in your HTML document.

    <!-- Write your comments here -->

    <Center> Tag

    <Center> tag is used to center whatever is between this tags.
    E.g. <center> This will be center Aligned </center>
    This text will be center aligned will appear as in the middle of the browser.

    <div> Tag

    The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.
    By default, browsers always place a line break before and after the <div> element.
    <div> tag  has one attribute align which align the text/any other element to left, right, center, and justify.

    <SUB> - Subscript tags

    This tag is used when we want to display some text below the normal line of text. 
    e.g. H2O
    Written as H<sub>2</sub>O

    <SUP> - Superscript Tag

    This tag is used when we want to display the text above the normal line of text.
    e.g. 52
    Written as 5<sup>2</sup>

    HTML lists

    The index that is formed using numbers like 1, 2, 3,… or symbols like a, b, c,… is called a list in HTML. These lists help in formatting the data and put them in a particular order. 
    There are three types of lists that you can use in HTML. They are:
    • UL – Create an unordered or bulleted list.
    • OL – Create an ordered list or number list.
    • DL – Create a  definition or glossary list.

    Unordered list <ul> ….. </ul>

    It classifies the data items that have equal importance i.e. none of the data item are ranked or it does have any order. 
    They are identified by a symbol may be 
    Disc  <ul type=“disc”>
    Square  <ul type=“square”>
    Circle  <ul type=“circle”>
    The attribute TYPE helps in using the symbol to create a list.

    Ordered list <ol> ….. </ol>

    It classifies the data items that do not have equal importance. All the data item are ranked. The ranking can be done using the number (1, 2, 3,…), the roman (i, ii, iii,….) or alphabet (a, b, c, ….), and default symbol is number.
    HTML An Introduction

    Definition term lists <dl> ….. </dl>

    Definition list used to format and display display definition on the webpage. The list prepared by <dl> tag is similar to a dictionary. The other tags used with this are <dt> to define the definition term and the <dd> for the definition of the list item.

    Nesting of lists

    Placing a list (order or unordered) inside another list is called nesting of list. In HTML two lists two lists can be placed inside each other for creating a nested list.
    Stream Available

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    2. Commerce
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    3. Humanities
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    Full Chapter cover in one video

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