Before I Go to Sleep : A book Review

Before I Go to Sleep

Before I Go to Sleep

S.J. Watson (born in Sturbridge in 1971) is an English writer and is famous for thriller novel. He studied physics at University of Birmingham but pursue writing books as a career. 
before I go to sleep is the first novel published in 2011 at this novel become the best seller in both Sunday Times and New York Times. This book is written in English and have 350 plus pages in it. Genre of this novel is thriller and suspense. This book is not for beginners, language of this novel is quite hard.if a reader is interested in thriller and suspense then this book is perfect for him. This novel is adopted in movie in the same year of publication with the same name. Notable work by him is "Second life" and "Final cut".
Some extraction from the book are.

What are we, if not an accumulation of our memories?
Soon I will sleep, and my brain will begin to delete everything. Tomorrow I will go through it all again.
I am an adult, but a damaged one.
I will never abandon you. I love you too much.
I have no choice but to face whatever my reality has become.
I closed my eyes and he kissed my eyelids, barely brushing them with his lips. I felt safe, at home. I felt as if here, against his body, was the only place in which I belonged. The only place I had ever wanted to be.
It’s not life, it’s just an existence, jumping from one moment to the next with no idea of the past, and no plan for the future.
Whatever enjoyment I might have had at the time would disappear overnight like snow melting on a warm roof.
these truths are all I have. They are my past. They are what makes me human. Without them, I am nothing. Nothing but an animal.

Christine Lucas is the protagonist of this psychological thriller novel. When she woke up in the morning she had just totally empty mind. She has no idea who is she and where is she. she didn't know about her past and after some while a man come in front of her and introduce himself as her husband. He told Christine about herself and also about her mental disorder. A doctor call her everyday after when her husband "Ben" went nearby school and help Christine to remember her past. He told her that she is 47 year old, married and has a son. Doctor Nash also gave her a video recorder which she used to keeping her memories. 4 year ago she suffer with an accident and that's the reason of her mental disorder. Christine know that she has a son and the person who is living with her is not her husband.  Christine start finding about her past and her son as well. in order to finding her past she knew about her accident which happened four year before. When she reached that place she don't have any idea why was she going there.
• How Christine find about herself?
• who is the person with her?
• what happens with her in the hotel room?
• what is the end of the novel?

This novel is full of suspense and all the character of this novel is perfect and satisfactory. You need to read paperback first in order to resolve your queries.
By :- Kumari_Anshu_Jr
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